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Lab4 Assembly Language: X86_64 intro

We will be working with assembly language and registers in this weeks lab. We were given 3 different hello world scripts written in "c"...

Lab 3 Cont. Removing -g option

Compiling gcc with the following gcc -fno-buillting -o0 -O $fileOutput When I compare the objdump files of the original to the newly...

Lab3 Cont. Removing fno-builtin

Our compilation will now look like this gcc -g -o0 -o $output Comparing this to the original output we can see that the function call is...

Lab3 Cont. Recompile adding -static

Adding static to the gcc command creates a binary file which is about 700% larger and an output file from objdump which is 16K lines...

Lab 3: build, compile, examine

Write a basic C program which prints a message on the screen. Compile the program using the GCC compiler. Examine the binary produced...

Lab 2 , compiling and building glibc

For the second part of the lab I will build and compile the latest version of glibc 2018-08-01. After pulling the source code, extracting...

Lab 2, building software from source code

PURPOSE So the purpose of this lab is to grab a package from the web page , download the source file and...

My First SPO 600 Post

This is the first post I will contribute towards the SPO 600 course.

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